WAHA واحة

Oases are important references to Morocco's natural wealth. The Nort-African country has many of them and also is the home of the largest in the world: the Al-Ahsa oasis, located in the southern region of Tafilalet. For Seif, these sites have come under scrutiny as they have been suffering a degradation in recent years due to the growth of unsustainable agricultural practices.

Waha واحة (oasis in Arab) started in 2020 from Seif's interest in understanding the plight of the communities that are dedicated to maintaining these natural sites. The research-based project ended up lasting three years and has been able to provide the platform these communities deserve, as they were overlooked by the media and politics.

“I just choose to focus my work on my environment and situations happening closer to me first, in order to give a specific perspective on more global issues.”

-Seif Kousmate